
Belmont Eye Center

At Belmont Eye Center, Dr. Sandra Belmont is committed to the health of your children’s eyes. Even children with good vision should be examined periodically to make sure their eyes are healthy. It is also advisable to start vision testing for children around the age of three.

August is Children’s Eye Health and Safety Month. What better time to schedule a pediatric appointment for each of your children? This way you can have their eyes checked before the school year begins.


Keeping your children’s eyes safe from injury requires common sense and taking key precautions. Some basic things that parents can do to prevent injury include:

  • For very young children, ensure there are gates at the top and bottom of staircases.
  • Make sure staircases have handrails that a child can easily grip.
  • Install cabinet and door locks that restrict access to dangerous household products.
  • Store utensils out of the reach of children.
  • Encourage children to wear sunglasses with impact-resistant lenses that block 100 percent of UV rays.


When observing your children and considering whether to have their vision checked, some things to be concerned about include:

  • Wandering or crossed eyes
  • Family history of childhood vision problems
  • Disinterest in reading or viewing distant objects
  • Squinting or turning the head in an unusual manner while watching television

Early detection of some conditions, such as amblyopia (“lazy eye”), is important — it may allow your eye doctor to treat your baby or young child and prevent future vision problems.


  • Scratched cornea: a light scratch usually heals completely without complications but a severe cut requires immediate treatment and probably surgery
  • Foreign matter in the eye: usually blinking or possibly careful irrigation
  • Chemical burns: the eye should be flushed with running water for 15 minutes; see a doctor
  • Eyelid laceration: the cut needs to be sutured and stitched by an eye doctor
  • Blood in the eye: a trip to the emergency room is required
  • Black eye: most black eyes will heal completely without additional treatment


Dr. Sandra Belmont, Belmont Eye Center’s lead surgeon, is dedicated to the visual health of all of her patients, including children. Please call (212) 486-2020 to schedule a consultation with the doctor to discuss your family’s personal vision needs.