At Belmont Eye Center, you can rest assured your vision is in good hands. LASIK surgeon Dr. Sandra Belmont has years of experience performing successful laser vision correction surgery. The trusted eye surgeon makes it a point to educate her patients on what to expect, as well as how they should prepare for the procedure. In this blog post, Dr. Belmont shares guidelines to follow during the period leading up to surgery.
In order to make sure your corneas are stable for surgery, you will need to stop wearing contacts and switch to eyeglasses. If you use soft contact lenses, stop wearing them two weeks before your procedure. If you wear rigid gas permeable (GP) lenses, switch to eyeglasses at least three to four weeks before surgery.
If you smoke, you will need to quit weeks in advance. Smoking increases your risk of complications during surgery as well as inhibits your healing process.
Immediately after surgery, you vision will be blurred. Make arrangements for a loved one to drive you to and from our office on the day of surgery. Be advised that you will also need someone to drive you to our office the day after surgery, so we can check your vision. Most patients are cleared to drive and able to return to their normal routine (including work) the day after surgery.
The night before your procedure, you will need to avoid all eye makeup, lotions, perfumes and facial creams. You will also need to use artificial tears to flush any debris that may be on your eyes.
Do not apply makeup or face lotions of any kind and don’t wear perfume or cologne. If you take medications, continue to do so unless our staff directs you otherwise. If you have any questions regarding your procedure, be sure to write them down and bring them to our office so a member of our team can answer them. If you are feeling nervous or anxious about the procedure, make sure to tell our team. We may offer anti-anxiety medication that you can take before your procedure to help you relax during your procedure.
Learn more about LASIK surgery from Dr. Belmont. Schedule a one-on-one consultation with the doctor by calling Belmont Eye Center at (212) 486-2020.