
Manhattan laser eye surgeon Dr. Sandra Belmont sees many patients with eye injuries that could have been easily prevented. Experts say that the majority of eye injuries can be prevented by wearing protective lenses when appropriate and by taking some other simple precautions. Here are some easy preventative measures that you can take to help avoid sustaining an eye injury.

Wear Safety Lenses

You may think it looks unfashionable to wear protective glasses or safety lenses. However, you will look far less fashionable wearing an eye patch if you sustain an eye injury that could have been prevented. Thus, be sure to wear safety lenses when working with chemicals, welding, using dangerous tools, performing an unfamiliar task and even when deep frying your favorite treat!

Protect Against Eye Injuries Resulting From Airbags

Although the deployment of automobile airbags saves many lives each year, it can also cause serious head and eye injuries. To reduce your risk of sustaining such an injury if your airbag does deploy, take the following preventative measures: Wear your seatbelt; sit a minimum of 10 inches away from the steering wheel; adjust your headrest so your head is supported properly; don’t smoke while driving; and have kids sit in the backseat in a car seat or with their seatbelts securely fastened, depending on the age of the child.

Be Cautious of Laser Pointers

Laser pointers direct high-intensity light beams that can damage the retina and even lead to permanent vision problems. Although laser pointers can be a helpful tool when giving a presentation at work, they can also be dangerous. Never look directly at a laser beam, especially at close range, and never point one directly into someone’s eye.

… And of Champagne Corks

Nothing will ruin a party like an eye injury sustained from a flying champagne cork. In fact, a flying cork can dislocate the eye’s lens, cause retinal detachment and more. To help safeguard against eye injury, use the following tips when opening a champagne bottle: Don’t shake the bottle before opening it, which can propel a cork further and with more intensity; point the cork away from yourself and others when opening a champagne bottle; and place a towel over the top of the cork while twisting it out of the bottle with the palm of your hand.

Exercise Caution When Near Fireworks

Even seemingly harmless fireworks such as sparklers and Roman candles can cause eye injuries, including lacerations and burns. Not to mention, foreign debris can fall from public firework displays or even the fireworks used in smaller settings. Exercise extreme caution when using fireworks or watching a firework display.

Take Care When Paintballing

Some paintball guns are capable of shooting paint pellets at speeds of 180 mph or more. Simply put, never take your head shield off while playing paintball, even for a second before the game has officially started. Eye injuries from paintballing can occur in the blink of an eye.

To learn more about how to prevent eye injuries, or to schedule an eye exam with Dr. Belmont to check the health of your eyes, contact Belmont Eye Center by calling (212) 486-2020 or by clicking here.