
Belmont Eye Center provides convenient tools and resources for patients seeking laser eye surgery in New York. The clinic offers various vision-correction procedures, with special emphasis on No-Cut LASIK, cataract surgery, and corneal disease treatments.


Since the LASIK eye surgery is performed on one of the most sensitive and vital organs in the body, it thus needs to be performed by a skilled eye LASIK surgeon in order to achieve best results. Most eye patients suffering from common refractive errors such as myopia, presbyopia, astigmatism, etc., are considering having LASIK eye surgery once their eyesight is stable (after the age of 18).


The overall cost of your LASIK procedure can vary for several reasons, such as the services provided, tools used, the experience the surgeon has each procedure, the level of vision correction required for each patient, and clinic location. Some eye surgeons base the cost of LASIK surgery on the degree of correction required. These factors that influence the price of LASIK in New York City include the type of laser technology that you select, the fee for the pre-op and post-op visits, whether post-op medications are included or not, whether or not the costs include the need for retreatment, if needed, as well as the skills, reputation, and experience of your refractive surgeon. In healthcare, the price of a procedure is determined by the expertise of doctors (surgeons) and the technology used.


As, not all centers offer safe and convenient surgeries, so before you undergo surgery, you should do your research about specific Lasik Surgery NYC centers and surgeons. If you want to undergo Lasik Eye Surgery NYC, then you should select the best surgeon in order to achieve a satisfactory result on your eyes.


Good candidates should be 18 years or older, with good eyes and overall health, and have a stable prescription that falls within the range of what is acceptable for LASIK surgery. All eye surgeons must have about the same training to handle the equipment used for LASIK surgery. Your next appointment is typically the following day in a LASIK facility with your laser eye surgeon.


As an early surgeon in the area who became involved with laser vision correction, Dr. Sandra Belmont has performed more than 50,000 LASIK and PRK procedures, along with other refractive surgeries, lens implants, and corneal transplants. Dr. Belmont introduced the bladeless laser eye treatment procedure in 2002, and was the first surgeon to perform LASIK eye surgery in the greater New York City area.


Dr. Sandra Belmont is considered to be one of the best LASIK surgeons in the U.S. and has performed LASIK on a number of celebrities and high-profile individuals like Jimmy Fallon of The TONIGHT SHOW, and Regis Philbin from The Regis & Kelly Show.