
Belmont Eye Center

A few months ago, Dr. Sandra Belmont blogged about the recovery after No-Cut LASIK and what it entails. Here the New York LASIK surgeon continues the conversation with a discussion of how long the results of No-Cut LASIK typically last.


When No-Cut LASIK is performed by a qualified laser eye surgeon (like Dr. Belmont) on a suitable candidate, the results are intended to last for the rest of the patient’s life. During laser vision correction, Dr. Belmont reshapes the cornea with astigmatism, myopia or hyperopia, correcting its imperfections so it can properly focus light onto the retina for clearer vision. Once the refractive error has been corrected, the condition is considered permanently fixed.


A small percentage of patients experience visual regression after surgery. A slight degree of nearsightedness, farsightedness or astigmatism may return after the initial procedure and blur or distort vision. In most cases, these changes are very minor and patients do not feel the need for additional vision correction. In very rare cases, patients have more noticeable regression and opt to have an “enhancement” procedure months or years after the original procedure to improve vision.


It’s important to realize that with age, the parts of the eye not corrected by No-Cut LASIK can change in ways that affect visual clarity. The best example of this is presbyopia, or the age-related loss of reading vision. Over time, the naturally flexible lens starts to become more rigid and lose its ability to focus on objects nearby. Presbyopia affects most people, starting in their mid-40s, and whether a person had LASIK in the past or not does not affect their chances of developing presbyopia. Patients that develop presbyopia usually need reading glasses to see nearby objects more clearly. Dr. Belmont offers several treatment options for presbyopia, including the Kamra corneal inlay.

Cataracts are another age-related disease that can compromise the eye’s lens and distort vision. Cataracts affect nearly everyone and set in later in life (i.e., usually in a person’s 60s and afterward). Dr. Belmont can surgically remove cataracts when they start to interfere with daily life.


If you have additional questions about No-Cut LASIK, enhancement treatment after LASIK, presbyopia or presbyopia treatment options, Dr. Belmont would be happy to speak with you.

To book an appointment with the New York laser eye surgeon, please contact Belmont Eye Center by calling (212) 486-2020 or sending us an email today.