Seasonal allergies are an irritating and uncomfortable problem for approximately 50 million Americans. As we look forward to the fall season that is almost upon us, Dr. Sandra Belmont wants to take a moment to discuss common allergens and how to limit your exposure to them. By sharing this information, Dr. Belmont hopes to help readers that are susceptible to fall allergies stay symptom-free.
The following allergens can cause itchy eyes and other symptoms like a runny nose and dry throat:
- Ragweed plants, which can produce up to 1 billion grams of pollen per season and commonly cause the condition known as hay fever
- Mold and mildew that can grow on damp leaves and in compost piles
- Dust mites that thrive in humidity and temperatures from the high 60s to mid 70s
- Pet dander and fur
Although you may not be able to completely avoid the aforementioned allergens, you can take steps to limit your exposure.
The best thing you can do to limit exposure to ragweed plants and pollen is to monitor the local pollen count, which is often published by local media outlets. Stay inside during peak hours, like the mid morning to early afternoon. Wear a painter’s mask and sunglasses if you do need to go outside. Keep your doors and windows closed, including your car windows. Remove your shoes and coat before stepping inside your home so you don’t track any pollen inside.
Don’t let mold grow on piles of fallen leaves in your yard. Rake and remove leaves, wearing a special mask and glasses when doing so. Keep compost bins at the far edges of your property and empty the bins regularly. Use a dehumidifier in damp areas of your house like the basement. Clean the kitchen and bathrooms regularly to prevent the buildup of mold and mildew.
Dust mites like to stick to bedding, so wash your sheets and pillow cases in hot water once a week. Look for dust-proof covers for your mattresses and pillows. Clean your air vents before turning on your central heating unit for the first time, and wear a protective mask as you clean. Consider swapping out carpeted areas for hardwood or tiles.
Keep your pets clean and well groomed and think about restricting them from jumping on furniture. Don’t put litter boxes or pet beds near the air vents. If you are thinking of adding a pet to your family, consider a hypoallergenic breed.
For more information about keeping fall allergies in check, Dr. Belmont welcomes you to contact Belmont Eye Center. Call or email us today.