
Consider how much time you spend each day looking at a computer monitor, television screen, smart phone, video game or other digital device. For most of us, the time spent peering at a digital device every day adds up quickly. It cannot be denied that we live in a digital era. True, being so digitally tuned in provides us with an added level of convenience, but there are also potential health concerns associated with frequent use of digital devices. Impairing your vision is one of them.

To help safeguard your vision in the digital age, NYC ophthalmologist Dr. Sandra Belmont shares the following advice.

Don’t Sit Too Close

Did your parents ever tell you not to sit too close to the television screen when you were a child? Well, the same advice holds true today. When reading something on a handheld digital device, hold it at least a foot away from your eyes.

Move Away From Your Monitor

About every half hour, it is important for you to stand up and stretch for a few minutes. Sitting too long in front a computer or television screen can not only damage your vision, but also create other health problems, such as back pain or excessive insulin production, as well. By taking short breaks to step away from the computer and stretch, you give your eyes and your body a break.

Adjust Your Computer Settings

Adjust your computer settings so they are vision friendly. Try increasing font size, adjusting the contrast settings and investing in a higher-resolution screen. All these adjustments will make staring at a monitor easier on your eyes.

Schedule Your Yearly Eye Exam

If you have not had an annual eye exam lately, it is time to schedule one. Your eye doctor can monitor your vision health and let you know whether you are suffering any vision damage due to frequent use of digital devices.

If your vision is already impaired in some way, Dr. Belmont can help. She can evaluate your eye health and recommend any necessary vision correction treatment options.

To schedule an appointment with Dr. Belmont to learn more about your laser eye surgery, contact Belmont Eye Center by calling (212) 486-2020.