Eye News & Education

Researchers conducted a retrospective chart review of randomly selected patients (aged 26 to 97 years) qualifying under the Quebec health insurance system as low vision, with a BCVA of 20/60 or less in at least one eye, visual field diameter of 60 degrees or those with hemianopsia.

The final analysis included 201 adult patients, (mean age, 71.2 years; 60.2% women) whose charts were reviewed for patient demographics and dry eye risk factors, with relevant tests being analyzed.

Bitton and colleagues reported that 25% of the reviewed charts included at least one dry eye symptom, 30.3% indicated use of medications known to exacerbate dry eye disease, 49.2% showed at least one disease associated with dry eye disease, and 72.1% mentioned at least one ocular surgery. Investigators also wrote that artificial tears were documented in 26.8% of charts, and few (8.95%) charts included specific dry eye exams.

“Eye care practitioners working in low vision should consider assessing dry eye symptoms and associated ocular signs in this vulnerable patient base during an initial examination or during a follow-up visit, as this may enhance the stability of vision, the adoption and sustained use of recommended low vision devices and, by consequence, the vision-related quality of life for patients,” Bitton and colleagues wrote.