Most people spend a good portion of the day looking at a computer or other electronic device for work, school or entertainment purposes. If you’re one of them, you may be wondering what kind of toll prolonged screen time takes on your eyes. In fact, you may have even noticed your eyes feel tired or dry at the end of a long day on the computer. These symptoms can indicate a condition known as digital eye strain, also referred to as computer vision syndrome.
According to the Vision Council, 65 percent of Americans experience symptoms of digital eye strain. Staring at a computer or another electronic screen makes the eyes work harder. Prolonged periods in front of a screen can lead to vision-related symptoms including the following:
- Eye fatigue
- Eyes that feel dry
- Blurry vision
- Headaches
- Neck and shoulder pain
Experts say that using two devices at once — for example, watching a television show on a laptop while checking social media on a smartphone — can exacerbate digital eye strain even further.
If you are experiencing symptoms of digital eye strain, Dr. Sandra Belmont can help. Start by trying some simple exercises and see if your symptoms improve.
First, focus on blinking more frequently. When staring at a screen for a prolonged period of time, we naturally slow down our blink rate. This can be detrimental because blinking keeps the front surface of the eyes lubricated, preventing dry, scratchy eyes. Be cognizant of your blinking and aim to blink every few seconds. You can even place a Post-It note on your screen to remind yourself.
Periodically give your eyes a rest from your screen. The American Optometric Association advises that you take a 15-minute break to rest your eyes after every two hours of continuous work. And, every 20 minutes, spend 20 seconds focusing on an object in the distance.
Next, with your eyelids closed, try to look up and then down. Open your eyes and repeat the movements. Close your eyes again and glance right and then left. Open your eyes and repeat. Following this cycle for a few minutes can help refresh your eyes.
Finally, relax into a comfortable position and rub your palms together gently. Place your palms over your eyes for a few minutes, letting them warm your eyes. This should feel great to tired eyes.
If you follow these simple exercises but still experience symptoms of digital eye strain, Dr. Belmont encourages you to schedule an appointment for a vision check. Please call (212) 486-2020 or email Belmont Eye Center to make your appointment.