Presbyopia is the loss of the eye’s ability to focus up close, and is usually linked to the aging process. The disorder normally occurs after the age of 40 when the lens, elastic and soft during youth, starts to harden and lose elasticity. As a result, the lens is unable to adjust as needed for the eye to focus on near objects.
If you have started to notice the effects of presbyopia — for example, you hold your smartphone or newspaper at an arm’s distance — Dr. Sandra Belmont can help. She offers several solutions to correct presbyopia and restore clear vision when reading, checking the time or looking at your smartphone.
Many people compensate for the visual effects of presbyopia by wearing reading glasses or “readers.” But those looking for a long-term solution may be interested in the Kamra inlay, which restores near vision while preserving distance vision.
The Kamra inlay is a small disc that is implanted in one eye’s cornea (usually the non-dominant eye). It has a tiny pinhole opening in the middle that allows only focused light to enter the eye while blocking out unfocused light. The other eye is left untouched. After an adjustment period, the eyes learn to work together to provide a complete range of clear vision at all distances.
The procedure to implant the Kamra lasts about 20 minutes and most patients resume work and the rest of their normal activities within one to two days.
Dr. Belmont can also correct presbyopia by performing laser eye surgery to create monovision, which is the state in which one eye can see distant objects clearly and the other eye can see near objects clearly. Monovision LASIK and No-Cut LASIK are is a widely used procedures for the correction of presbyopia. In the course of an evaluation to correct reading vision, Dr. Belmont can will have some patients try on monovision contact lenses that approximate the result of the surgery to insure that the patient will benefit from the procedure.
Another option that is currently being studied is multifocal LASIK, a.k.a., “presbyLASIK.” During this procedure, Dr. Belmont would use a laser to create multiple “zones” across the cornea to improve visual clarity at multiple distances.
If you are experiencing the effects of presbyopia and would like to explore your options for long-term correction, Dr. Belmont invites you to schedule a consultation. Please call (212) 486-2020 or email Belmont Eye Center to request an appointment.