
Belmont Eye Center

Halloween is drawing near and that means costumes, mayhem and ghoulish fun. Unfortunately, colored contact lenses have become a must-have accessory for many young people looking to match their eyes to their costumes or create scary effects. At Belmont Eye Center, Dr. Sandra Belmont would like to make patients acutely aware of the many dangers of colored contact lenses.

Contact lenses are medical devices that require a prescription and proper fitting by an expert such as an ophthalmologist. Retailers who sell colored contact lenses without a prescription are engaging in an illegal activity, and are subject to fines of up to $11,000 per violation.

Even if you have perfect vision, it is essential that a professional eye doctor proscribe any contact lenses, including decorative lenses for Halloween.

There are many potential hazards associated with buying improperly prescribed colored contacts, including the following:

  • The eye can be scratched from a poor fitting lens; there is no such thing as a one-size-fits-all contact lens.
  • Colored lenses can carry dangerous bacteria that can literally bore into the eye and blind it.
  • Blood vessels can grow into the cornea and the cornea can suffer abrasions.
  • Colored lenses can lead to drooping eyelids.
  • The eyes can suffer an allergic reaction.

People who take the unnecessary risk of wearing colored contact lenses may require hospitalization and suffer extreme pain, along with long-term vision problems. One highly publicized case involved a patient that purchased store-bought, non-prescription colored contact lenses that stuck to her eyes like suction cups, and left her with a permanently drooping eyelid.


Prescription colored contact lenses are available to either correct vision problems such as myopia (nearsightedness) hyperopia(farsightedness) or astigmatism or simply change the color of the eyes. If you desire either, you must obtain a prescription from an eye doctor.

If you would like to discuss a prescription for color contact lenses, or if have developed a complication related to non-prescription lenses, Dr. Belmont encourages you to promptly schedule a consultation at her practice. Please call Belmont Eye Center at (212) 486-2020 to make your appointment today.